The dates listed below are "starting dates" for the classes at Canine Behavior Center, Inc..  Dates when no classes will be held are noted below as well. If you would like to enroll in a series of classes, please call or email to verify current space availability for the starting date you prefer. Be sure to fill out the appropriate class agreement and bring it with you to the first night of class. The balance of the class fee is payable the first session. 

The Basic Obedience course includes Eight one-hour classes (one per week on the same day at the same time at the same location each week). The Advanced Obedience classes and all Agility classes are five-week courses (one per week on the same day at the same time at the same location each week). We accept checks or cash only.

In the case of inclement weather,  please call the office.  If class is being canceled because the roads in the area are unsafe, instructions will be left on voice mail at least three hours prior to the start of class.  Your class will resume the following week where it left off.

Monday in Seattle
March 31 -- 6:00 pm Basic Obedience
April 14 -- 7:15 pm - Advanced Obedience
April 21 -- 7:15 pm - Basic Obedience

Wednesday in Mill Creek 
March 26 -- 7:15 pm - Basic Obedience
May 14 -- 6:00 pm - Basic Obedience

Wednesday in Redmond
April 2 -- 7:15 pm - Basic Obedience
May 14 -- 8:30 pm - Basic Obedience

Thursday in Redmond 
May 1 -- 7:15 pm - Basic Obedience

Sunday in Redmond
March 23 -- 11:15 am - Basic Obedience
March 23 -- 1:00 pm - Basic Agility
March 30 -- 10:00 am - Advanced Obedience
April 13 -- 6:00 pm - Basic Obedience
April 20 -- NO CLASSES
April 27 -- 7:15 pm - Basic Obedience

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